- Beautiful deep-black color
- Matte tone
- Stable curl
- Eyelash extensions do not loose curl over time
- Soft and natural hair
- 6mm and 14mm lengths in 6 row trays!
- Beautiful deep-black color
- Matte tone
- Stable curl
- Eyelash extensions do not loose curl over time
- Soft and natural hair
- 6mm and 14mm lengths in 6 row trays!
- Super simple to create volume fans with any technique
- Beautiful deep-black color
- Matte tone
- Stable curl
- Eyelash extensions do not loose curl over time
- Soft and natural hair
- 6mm and 14mm lengths in 6 row trays!
- C-curl
- 0.15mm thickness
- Lenghts 6mm-14mm
- MIX tray available
- Easy to remove from glue strip
- Beautiful deep black
- Natural shine
- Curl remains unchanged over time
- Lihtne lehvikuid teha nii näppude vahel, kui liimiribal
- Ilus sügav must toon, ei esine sinakat varjundit
- Naturaalse läikega, kuid mitte libedad
- Lihtne ripsmeid liimiribalt võtta
- Ripsmete kaarduvus püsib kandes muutumatuna
- C-curl
- 0.07mm thickness
- Lengths 6mm-14mm
- MIX tray available
- Easy to make fans
- Beautiful deep black
- Natural shine
- Curl remains unchanged over time